InITNEXTbyŠimon TóthDaily bit(e) of C++ | Tech debt is bad, m’kay?!Daily bit(e) of C++ #41, How to talk about technical debt with non-technical leaders.Feb 11, 2023Feb 11, 2023
InITNEXTbyErik EngheimRISC-V Instruction-Set CheatsheetOverview of the RV32I base instruction-set of RISC-V processors including an comparison with the AVR instruction-set.May 15, 20225May 15, 20225
Alex Ewerlöf (moved to substack)My guiding principles after 20 years of programmingI’ve been programming since 1999. This year I’ve officially coded for 20+ years. I’ve started with Basic but soon jumped into Pascal and C…Jan 22, 202025Jan 22, 202025